There's a lot
brewing in

🎮 Welcome to our game studio’s latest news and devlog! We are thrilled to share the exciting progress we’ve made on our upcoming masterpiece. Immerse yourself in a world where dreams become reality as we meticulously craft captivating adventures and unforgettable experiences.🌟

Studio News

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Team's latest milestone!
Title: A Heartfelt Farewell to ARCHcon Cebu 2023: A Journey of Gratitude Embracing Creativity: A Recap of the ARCHconnect Journey As the curtains close on ARCHcon Cebu 2023,...
What's up with the Studio?
Capriccioso Games Studio has been hard at work creating a new website, and we can’t wait to share it with you! We’ve been busy over the past few months working on the new logo, the design of...

Dev Logs

New stuff coming out 👀
We’ve been quite  busy but here we are polishing our in house game for the upcoming  conventions where we gonna be showcase our game called “Haphazard Angel”. 

Thank you for visiting our page, and we look forward to sharing our passion for game development with you!